Tuesday, August 3, 2010

TWO amazing videos.

First, if you didn't watch The Guild already then you obviously didn't follow my thread, The Gnomergon Odeon on the forums.  This series is a smash-hit and you need to watch all of it.  While you wait for those to download you can replay this over and over and... OVER.

I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who has a seceret love for Bollywood. X-p

And if you are a weirdo like me and actually want to torture yourself with glimpses of Cata Zones months before we can get there then you NEED so see this one.  It's a look at Uldum and Skywall.

 This is from Total Biscuit who has a podcast that I don't subscribe to because he can be a bit of an arrogant tool towards other podcasters (nobody messes with the EXTREMELY wonderful people over at Bind On Equip and not face my WRATH) but these videos are unparalleled . 

1 comment:

  1. Yup looked and tortured myself gah!

    This will be my Christmas present to myself.

    /preorders - ok attempts to preorder :P
