Dear Crusaders. You know how much I LOVE you all but can't take it anymore!
I've been playing a Tauren for a few monts, on and off and... I am sorry. I have been won over!
I know, I know.! I have ranted against the horde so often. I still think the blood elves are Hilarious but... I am a Tauren at heart.
Please forgive me. I won't kill you on this server because. you know I'm the QUEEN of PVP! MWAHAHAAA!
I'm sorry, you poor, pathetic Alliance PIGS.
Do me a favor and KICK my weak alliance alts. I have no further use for them.
Yeah and despite what I've said in the past: I think Sylvanas is an example of AWESOME Feminine Leadership! I kid you not!
How many ladies can keep plate chest-armor up w/ naught but a few globs of PLAGUE?! No One but Sylvanas! Especially after death, the rest of us mortal women deal with sag! \She knows what she wants and has the BOOTY to get it!
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