Thursday, December 9, 2010

WHO has commited REGICIDE?! Oh yeah, it's the Crusaders of the Night!

Sorry this is over a week in coming but I've been waiting for a video I could embed here!

You guys did it!  You handed Arthas his frozen Tushie, 
I'm hoping one of you will send me a screen shot from INSIDE the raid.  I'm assuming you took one at the end, yes?  If not - SMACK! ;-p

Here are Ferrret's awesome videos he's put togther of the fight:

Many thanks to Ferret for putting the work into this!  And even more thanks to all of you who have been working hard as raiders.  Every one of you has been part in getting us to end-game. :)

And, of course, to our leaders Kat, H and C who have held it all together and spurred us on.

I have purchased a sponsor-bump on the podcast:  
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So if you get the chance - give them a listen to hear a GRATZ to the Crusaders on the most popular WOW podcast out there. 

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