Thursday, November 11, 2010

Crendor has been spying on us. Help w/ Pre CATA quests

Hi guys.  Are you all as confused about the pre-cata quests as I am?  Well Auntie is linking you to an awesome guide provided by the lovely people at Wowhead.  

Link is below the picture. :)

You guys will get a kick out of Crendor's latest in the "How to Win at:" series. 
This time it's How to Win at Guilds. I swear the guy has been spying on us. Seriously we'll all see a bit of ourselves in this video. Our guild is just less dysfunctional. ;) A Chick like the belf would be laughed out of the guild, mostly by the other women in the group.
I nominate myself for the "collects everything that's useless and isn't helpful to raids but stays around because she's friendly." It's all pretty cute. Wait for a cameo from a fav. character in vent.

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